Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Year in Pictures

I'm joining some friends in a quest to use my camera every single day. The title of this blog is representative of the direction I feel this quest will take me. Can I really get a worthy shot every day? Probably not. Can I get something totally random? Of course. For instance, I'm sitting here staring into my bowl of macaroni and cheese and wondering if the cheese would be as lovely in a picture. You're lucky I already have a picture for today!

January 3rd: Kids these days. 30 pound Karsyn carrying 17 pound Piper. She loves this darn cat. I have no idea why. According to Cole, all she does is shed and crap in a box. He might be right, but she does let Karsyn carry her around with minimum resistance.

January 2nd - My Life on a Shelf. I WANTED to get a shot of moving traffic and motion blur the cars, but that seemed risky considering I was in a moving vehicle when the idea came to me. Instead, I went home and shot random things sitting on the shelf my mom gave me for Christmas. In essence, this edited picture can sum up my life. The letter C is the first letter of our last name, and is the first and last initial of my husband, who gave me Direction. The C is sitting in front of finger-paint art created by Karsyn, who gave me Purpose. The motion blur is appropriate, because everything seems to move in fast forward these days!

January 1st, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I was unaware there was a challenge at this point, so you get my VERY first photograph of the New Year!

And now I'm off to fulfill my first of many New Years resolutions... clean out the closet, out of which I've so far pulled maybe 100 gift bags, a blow up mattress, a ride on toy, a chia planet, and the card reader I've been searching so fervently for!


  1. I really like the My life on a shelf picture. Very nice. :)

  2. I like the shelf pic even more now that I read the story behind it!

  3. I love that one too! I tried to play with photoshop to do that today too but mine didn't turn out as cool! :) Good idea!

  4. That's a great angle on the pic of DD and the cat. Love the Life on a Shelf pic too!
