Monday, January 11, 2010

January 11th - Winter

Winter in Houston - dead trees and blue skies!

January 10th - Happy Birthday Aunt Joanie!

January 10th is one of those occasions that draws us out to the cemetary. This would have been Joanie's 53rd birthday. We went to take pink tulips out to her, and when we got there, there were already a lot of flowers out. There are two trees on either side of the mosoleum (spelling?), and someone attached artificial butterflies to the tree branches, and someone hung a cute little "Thank You" pendant as well. Wherever she is, there is magic.

January 9th..

Bikes, Bikes, EVERYWHERE!

January 8th...

Because I just couldn't resist the "Alien Crossing the Street" sign!

January 7th - Random Electrical Tower Things

You'll probably notice throughout the course of this blog that I am fascinated by things that come in multiples. I have no idea why, but it fascinates me to see these electrical things and just how many of them there are and how long the extend past my line of vision.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

January 6th - Purple: Fingernails!!

In a complicated world, all Karsyn really wants is painted fingernails and to only wear PJ's.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January 5th - Walking on Broken Glass

Because if I hadn't cleaned it up immediately, we would have been! A freak stacking-the-dishes-to-dry accident produced this beautiful blue mess, and almost caused me to mess my pants! I wouldn't hang this picture in my house or anything, but I thought it'd look nice against my black blog background.